Wednesday 29 January 2014

A New Obsession

I can possibly say I am starting to become slightly obsessed with coupons!

I will not lie to you as money is rather tight at the moment every penny counts, towards the end of last year we started to do the standard supermarket swap and to shop around to get the best deal.  We have started buying the a joint of meat and cut it up as its so much cheaper than buying packets of diced pork and pork steaks.

Then just after new year so approx. 3 weeks ago I found something I can't believe I have been missing out on for so long.  Couponing! Or Extreme Couponing.  I never knew that there were so many different websites offering free coupons for all sorts of things, from money off toilet paper, to crisps, bread and other daily food item to Calpol for the little ones.  I'm currently using money off Sainsbury's sent via our nectar card, buying newspapers with money off vouches.  Last week was my all time favourite one £5 off a £40 shop in Aldi plus other money saving items for luxury items I wouldn't normally of bought, some sweets, and fish cakes.

Each day when the post arrives its a delight to see what extra's come, todays made my day a £5 off coupon for Pampers all for the price of a stamp.

I've seen people save thousands of pounds over a year by couponing and I know with their only being two of us its not going to be the same degree to larger families or to that in USA where they get whole shops for a few dollars but every little helps and I'm excited about the prospect of what I can save in 2014.

So if you are after any coupons why not check out Extreme Couponing UK and Extreme Couponing and Deals UK on Facebook